Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tarzan WOW Moment

Sometimes life presents opportunities that allow us to be brave and do something outside of our comfort zone just to show us we can.

Last night was my youngest daughter's physical education open house at her elementary school. They had different activities for the kids and parents could participate too. One of the activities was a tarzan like rope swing. Stand on the platform, grab the rope, swing and drop on a big mat.
And guess who got in line. Yep, I did. I DID the rope swing! Not once - but twice! It was fun and thrilling and scary all at once. I bet I was grinning like a goofball.

A year ago I can't say for sure we would have even gone to physical education night and tonight - rope swing! What a great Wow! moment for me. I can do this stuff now. This is why I had surgery. I will not be held back by physical limitations.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your inspiration!! This moment rings so clear with my "dreams" for my daughter and myself. Congrats!! ~Nora :o)