Monday, January 7, 2008

I must admit - i kinda forgot about doing the blog. I have been busy with the holidays and appts - tons of doctor appointments! I feel like a bit of a trick puppy - jumping through the hoops to get ready for the surgery and also get approval from the insurance company.

So in the last month I have completed the psychological examination - I think I colored in a thousand little circles for all the tests. Apparently on paper - I am not crazy. Ha Ha. However, I do have to meet with the shrink again to discuss emotional eating and strategies for avoiding it. i have gotten several books on it that I am reading and working through. I try and keep busy to avoid eating and try and remember to question am I hungry or is it something else - that being present in the decision making really empowers me to make the best decisions.

I also saw the bariatrician - She was awesome! Great patient care and explained things well and was very nice. I hope I can see her for the follow-up stuff. She said I am a good candidate for surgery - my pulse and bloodpressure were ok. She had labs ordered - they took about a gallon of blood (just kidding) to test blood sugars/cholesterol and whatever else. The bad news was even though I don't have any symptoms because my neck was measured and showed I might have sleep apnea - so I have to do a sleep study too!

I have a surgeon consult scheduled for Jan 22. So I really need to work on losing some of the pre-surgery weight by then. I am going to track what I am eating and try and get some more walking in or an exercise video. I also have a dietician appt scheduled - maybe I can get the info on the liquid diet and the stages after that it.

Did my starting measurements and pictures - so I will have something to compare to.