Thursday, November 29, 2007

I can check a few things off my to-do list

I made the appointment with my med doc - to verify my prescriptions and get a letter of support from her about the surgery - that appointment is December 10.

I made an appointment with a psychologist for the pre-surgery evaluation - that is on December 7 - I actually can get two appointments out of the way that day - meet with the doc and take the tests. So then only one more appointment two weeks after that one.

I also got my bariatric evaluation appointment setup for Jan 4 and was put on the cancel list in case there are any earlier appointments.

I need to find the weight watcher weight recordings I had so I can do the diet history for the paperwork and then I think I can send that in.

Moving forward - gonna stay on top of this so I can get it done soon.

I have been thinking a little about the psychological changes - and actually that is probably my apprehension. I have always been the fat girl, the fattest sister, the fattest daughter. So when I am normal size those labels are gone - that identity that I wasn't necessarily happy with but accepted as my own will be gone. So then who will I be? Also - the other thing I was thinking about - for some reason in my head (coping?) I have always seen myself as powerful and strong because I was bigger - and seen those small or thin women as getting by on their size - needing help or not being safe. So that scares me a little too. I realize these seem irrational - but just my thoughts.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Last night, November 27, 2007, I attended the weight loss surgery information session at Minneapolis Bariatric Surgeons. They are considered a national center of excellence for gastric bypass surgery.
The session described the two main surgeries that they do there. The RNY gastric bypass and the Lap Band. I am planning on the RNY Gastric Bypass and most definitely hoping it can be done by laproscope rather than an open surgery.

They also described the eating process after the surgery and what needs to be done before the surgery.

Nurse Judy Schwartz gave the presentations - and didn't sugar coat any of the information -I love the straightforward approach. Her number one rule when it comes to eating with a gastric bypass surgery - Don't Plug It Up! - I think I will have my sister make a cross stitch of that for her to hang in her office.

So my to-do list is to gather the rest of the information for the insurance packet and get that in the mail. Then I need to schedule the psychiatric evaluation that is required pre-surgery and also a pre-surgery physical. I need to get a letter of support from my depression doc as well. So at least 3 phone calls today to get those scheduled. I want to stay on top of this and get it done. I need to also complete 5 phone call training sessions from a health partners dietician. The insurance requires several hoops to jump through to get this done. But I will jump like a trained poodle if it will help get me more healthy and in better physical and emotional shape.

How am I feeling? Before the meeting I was a little apprehensive - is this the right thing to do for me? After the meeting - I really am sold on the idea and just want to get it done so I can start the next chapter of my life as a more healthy person. I am sad that I have let my body get to this point but very grateful that there is this surgical tool that can help me take care of myself.

I will use this blog as a tracking for myself - both pre-surgery and post surgery. I will be adding pictures and statistics along the way.

Another great site I found was - i ordered some protien drink and the book and blender bottle from them. So far I am very impressed. I have started reading the book and it has a lot of great information and is a plain talk explanation of what to expect.